Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Published by Linda H Bassert on 27 Feb 2014

Color 101: More about “Value”

We also feel better if the color is balanced.  We achieve a good balance by having a range of values, from light to dark.  They can be different hues, or similar hues, but the variation of values within a room can help connect a room.

If you are remodeling a bathroom – what is the value of your floor, your cabinet, your countertop, and your trim (the baseboards, window and door frames, crown moulding if any) ?  Here is another chance to look at the value chart.

value scale

If you looked again at the chart, and back at your space, which grays are already represented?  You may find, after selecting all the values already represented, that there is a big hole on this chart, a value which is not yet represented in the space.  That’s a great start to finding your paint color – knowing the value or color, or contrast level,  you need in that space.  Now you don’t need to look at any of the colors which are  lighter or deeper than the value you need for your space.



Published by admin on 24 Jul 2013

Welcome to the NEW ColorHelp Blog!

I will be writing articles and information on a regular basis to help you with paint color selection.   It would be best for you to start with the Color 101 category, and then read additional posts.
Please check back soon!

If you have a specific topic you would like me to address, please email me at

If you live in the Northern Virginia or Metro Washington DC region, and need specific color help, contact me to find out when I will next be at Vienna Paint, for in store help at no charge, or to schedule an in home consultation.

I also participate in the community on  Hope you find this information helpful!


Linda H. Bassert,

Masterworks Window Fashions & Design,
Fairfax, VA